Sunday, October 31, 2010


Math may just end up being the the bane of my existence. I absolutely abhor it, why can't it just make sense and not be so ridiculous?! And Why oh Why am I going into a science that requires the cursed concept? (Okay I know why but that isn't helpful). Sometimes I consider just not having a career so that I don't have to do anything higher then simple arithmetic... And then I laugh, and remember why I could never do that... I would go stir crazy.
Applications are in to a number of schools, including the one I want to go to the most, Minnesota. Don't ask me why, I want it so badly but every time I even hear the name Minnesota, or anything to do with it I get goosebumps and tingles I want to be there SO bad. Why Minnesota? The Mayo Clinic, I want to help with research, it would be amazing,absolutely enthralling. Why else? Well Haha How many miles from Walla Walla is St.Paul/ Minneapolis? approximately 1546.29 miles... Not that I map-quested it or anything... Close enough to come home for Christmas, far enough away that I think I can get away from the craziness!
My very last Wa-Hi football game was Friday, I don't know if I wanted to laugh, or cry! I will never ever march for a half-time show again, unless I decide to do Minnesota's marching band. A wave of emotions hit for sure, but I am yet to figure out if they were sad or happy... I'll Keep you posted...

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