Thursday, November 4, 2010

Temple trips, Diet coke, and an absolutely true story

A friend of mine recently told me that there are two people in the world, Ones who like Julia and Those who don't, there is no in between. After thinking long and hard about it, I decided that, hey, at least there is someone out there who DOES like me. And then, after a very amazing temple trip (goodness who doesn't love the temple?), and a great conversation with a woman that is near and dear to my heart, I like who I am, and anyone who doesn't can go along in their cookie cutter ways...

But more about this woman I absolutely LOVE. She helps me remember that there are more then just crazies out there in the world, and that my Diet Pepsi, heathen ways are okay! What would I do without her Diet Coke sipping(hey its like republican vs. democrat, some like Pepsi, others Coke), crazy Greek, and educated ways!? Sometimes, when I want to close my blinds, and hide for about twenty years, I remember there is always someone with Diet Coke and a good laugh, and I am ready to face the crazies. Sometimes I wish I was Will Smith on "I Am Legend", the crazies on that show, sometimes seem more friendly. Not that life is all a drag, most of the time I can find happiness in the little things; a good friend bringing me Pepsi, or not having Math homework! But on days when it's hard I know that there is a lady ready to laugh with me while watching Glee(or other various "worldly" show), and drinking our various caffeinated beverages.

One quarter of Senior Year is done, and as I get closer to graduation (There is still so much time!!), I find that I am more willing to say No, and be who I am, regardless of who is asking... Like right now I am saying no to my english book that is sitting next to me DEMANDING, I read it... But I would rather blabber aimlessly on my blog (WE all know I will do it, I can't risk my GPA dropping). But beyond Math, I am saying no to things that stress me too much, no to people who cause way to much drama little mama, and no to things that make me unhappy.

Today, beyond the spiritual lifting the temple gave me that I most definitely needed, I feel myself mentally lifted as well. I suppose while people don't always like who I am, I still have people who do love me, Not only my mother, father, and brother, but women like my Diet Coke drinker, special people who deal with me even in the worst moods, and text me quiet a bit, and I love them for that. So thank you to those who make my life enjoyable, and caffeinated!

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