Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ode To Utah

Okay I can't really write an ode but I felt like it was a good title. Poetry and I do not get along, but for the sake of entertainment I have written a poem, one that I feel will touch the hearts of millions someday (After I am dead naturally), and my family will make billions off of.

Ode To Utah (Cue Dramatic Drums)
Oh Utah, how I use to despise thee
Your lack of an ocean and your water with which my tummy doesn't agree
Your people who sometimes make me want to scream, "I want to get away from thee!!"
Your hot, then your cold, and you have something Against Pepsi
Your drivers do now know how to signal which often send me on my knees to plea
Hoping that from them you will save me;
Often I have been heard to say, Utah is the last place my head will lie.
But then all at once, my opinion did change, I love thee
For Alas BYU has answered my plea
And for four years I will reside in thee
And how happy and full of glee, I will be
When In my dorm, in BYU I will be
Drinking a Pepsi, and laughing at thee.

Okay now that that's out of my system, I cannot believe I am going to BYU! If you ask anyone who has known me since (well forever) I will have been heard to SCREAM I hate Utah!! I will NEVER GO TO BYU! But, now here I am going, and I couldn't be anymore excited!! I am so ecstatic! I just want to jump around and leap for joy! Its been hard, many of my friends weren't accepted, and it was sort of a bittersweet moment. On the one hand, I was so excited and it felt so right! I have never felt so right about a decision, but on the other had my heart went out for those who didn't get in, who had wanted to more then me.
So off to Utah I go, come August. I am more ecstatic then ever, and I cant wait!Now I just have to make it through the rest of high school, alive...

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