Monday, October 29, 2012

Cuisine Avec Julia

Yes this is the actual quiche i made with my African Hands. Be impressed.

Pour ma classe de français que je devais faire une vidéo de moi cuisson. Je ne peux pas pour la vie de me comprendre comment l'avez pas être sur le côté et je m'en excuse, mais c'est vraiment pour mon professeur Jim Law!




For my French class I had to make a video of me cooking. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to not have it be sideways so I apologize, but this is really for my teacher Jim Law!



Also, I promise to post something ridiculously hilarious on my blog at some point again, but right now I am to busy pretending I am Julia Childs....Wee sounds the same!!
I suggest you watch it in full screen to get the full effect... And I promise I am not sideways the entire time. You will have to ask my french teacher tomorrow if my quiche was any good. I also have included a picture of the finished product... because I don't know how to edit videos... Figuring out how to embed this was hard enough... I think I am an 80 year old stuck in a 19 year olds body!!

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