Friday, March 25, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

Obviously I think a lot about money lately, what do you expect out of a nearly college student though? ( I am counting, and we are extremely close to grad!) . I am looking for a summer job (seemingly fruitlessly, I just DO NOT want to do fast food), and I am pinching every penny, all of the sudden a two dollar soda feels like two dollars that should be spent somewhere else, like my nearly empty college fund. So Scholarships have become increasingly important, and believe me I have filled out quiet a few! It seems futile to fill them out, I just felt like I was never getting a response, BUT Wonder of wonder Miracle of Miracle! I have officially gotten a scholarship that is to last for the next for years, if I do 15 hours of community service, for half of my tuition atBYU!! I am, to say the least ECSTATIC!! While its only about $2,280 a year, its half of my tuition, and maybe, just maybe I will be getting out of my first four years of college without debt ( then next bagillion are another question, curse you Med School!) So YAY!! Maybe the 268 hours of community service in my high school career ARE paying off!!

I recently decided that my weight was an issue. Well okay no, its always been an issue but generally I just felt like all my attempts where futile, and then when I was sick this last Sunday I was watching Infomercials (if you ever want one good reason to go to church, its there is no good T.V. on Sunday). P90-x's commercial came on, and BAM I was just inspired, if I hadn't spent the day puking I probably would have gotten up and starting doing push ups. I had to have the system... Sadly I didn't have all the equipment/ the system to start. Luckily Matt had it, and very graciously offered to let me use it (Thanks to his mother too for letting me invade their house everyday!). Phew!! can I tell you! The first day I thought I was going to die, I honestly don't think I have sweat that much... Ever! I was so dead tired! But then an odd thing happened, I got super energized that night! I thought I was going to explode how much energy I had! I jumped on my trampoline for nearly an hour just trying to get rid of some of the extra energy. By Wednesday though, my body hurt, everywhere. I couldn't stand, sit, or barely move without feeling like I was going to just fall into a million pieces. Mercifully the guy behind the system, knew that I was going to die, and we did yoga Thursday, and I feel great!! everything got so stretched and zen (by Wednesday I was just ready to quit, I know I am a hard worker). It totally helped me refocus! I have a little problem with the guy I think his name is Tony, he is super egotistical, but you know, maybe he has a right to be his system is godly! I am down nearly four pounds.... In a week.

My life is going crazy. I am feeling so good ( Thank you P90-x) and I am generally happy! I love the feeling of happy, makes everything feel right. Even hard situations aren't as bad as I sometimes feel like they are. Silver-lining I guess, or that we finally have the SUN!! I am soaking in the vitamin d and so joyful about it!I don't know how people couldn't be happy right now. I know there is toil and strife in the world. Sometimes life is hard, so very hard. I guess in those moments I remember the words of a wise old turtle
Yesterday is history, tomorrows a mystery, today's a gift thats why its called the present!
Maybe its just because I am happy to have the Gospel in my life. sometimes when I feel like I have no capability to go on, like everything I do is wrong, I remember my Saviour oh how I love him!
Oh Happy Day!!

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