Saturday, April 9, 2011

Nineteenth Century

Most of the time I know that I was born in the right century. I have a list of about two hundred things that I can't live with out
1. Toilets -I'm sorry, but it has to be said, as much as I want to not be able to flush...Ew I can't even use porta-potties
2. Jeans - Honestly I can't even contemplate wearing fifteen billion layers. Give me jeans any day
3. Sweats -The only thing I love more then jeans. I love comfort
4. Modern Medicine - I just KNOW that I wouldn't have lasted I would have gotten some rare unknown disease.
5. Diet Pepsi - Honestly how man ever existed before it is a complete mystery to me.

Ha the list goes on and on about what I love about our day in age, and yet I find myself constantly escaping into the worlds of the Bronte's and Austen.

How I love the whole concept. Proper behavior, curtsies, and courtships. I suppose I am just a sucker for a good love story. And how perfect do they seem in romancing one another

"You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged; but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever"

Sigh how can people not get goosebumps!? Oh how I love literature. It makes me long for days gone by, and to create my own perfect story so that I can laugh at the petty love of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth (not that I think I will ever be able to, because honestly I love it). I am a sucker for love, somedays I long to, don a dress, jump in a carriage and ride off into the sunset with my very own Fitzwilliam Darcy. Then I have to come back to the real world, and remember that we don't ride in Carriages anymore, and that the only time I will be ever in a dress with a guy, is at the various school dances, which do not have the same appeal as a ball (but at least I get to go with a fantastic guy).

But now I must apologize my dear readers. For my mind has been altered considerably over the course of the last hour. I have watched a film, the likes of which I hold in the highest esteem. Bear with the imaginings of my heart.
Off into the sunset I ride, waving a handkerchief at my darling Mama. My gown, is the finest I could acquire , and the man at my side, the one who has bewitched me, body and soul. He loves me and I he. We shall live together at his estate. Forever loving and enjoying one another's company.

"They walked on, without knowing in what direction. There was too much to be thought, and felt, and said, for attention to any other objects".

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