Sunday, September 9, 2012

Two People Who Changed My Life

Like most people, I have had those moments when my life has been completely altered by someone. However unlike most people who don't read on a regular basis, my life has been changed by two different authors. Now, there are so many more books and authors who have changed my perspective on life, but today I am thinking about two.
1. Oscar Wilde
Here's a little background on him. He lived in the late 1800's, he was Irish, and he was extremely controversial. He was married, after fathering 3 children, and he had a male lover. He was  thrown in prison because of his lover, and it changed his perspective on life. He was a satirical author, who made many comments on the Victorian age in which he lived. 

Now, that is all fine and dandy, I love that he was a rebel with his lover, and I love how brilliant he was with his pen. But, that isn't why he has changed my life. He changed my life with one quote: 
 How can you dispute this? I spent most of my life, just hoping that someone, anyone would fall into like with me that I never paused to think  when I was finally in a relationship if I felt ordinary. It goes back to what I said earlier in the summer; I want passion. I crave it honestly. I need someone to feel as passionately as I do about thing, or at least appreciate how passionate I am. I can't help it, I get obsessively passionate about things.  I have spent my entire life knowing that I am just not like everyone around me. It is how it is. I was homeschooled for heaven's sake! Can you think of less normal people (Besides the Amish, I mean common get a computer for crying out loud)? Granted I do have good social skills because my mother was very adamant in not raising bizarre homeschool kids, but she did raise us to be individual. I think sometimes she wonders if she did the right thing especially when Justin and I get going on some Doctor Who theory, or we start dancing in the grocery store, but hey that's who we are. Sorry, that was a tangent. As I was saying. This quote changed my life, because the fact of my life is
And Praise Heaven for that one, I would be so DULL if I was. I am completely me, like it says in Princess and the Frog "Warts and All".  So,someone is going to want me for my abnormal bits and my slightly insane bits, and life will be good. Eventually. Until then thank heaven Oscar Wilde, who made me feel more normal... (Although maybe that just makes me crazy...)

2. Albert Camus
Senior year we had to read the book The Stranger (L’Étranger). It is a book about existentialism, and while I don't consider myself as one, it changed my life reading that book. I have always lived my life over analyzing things. Anyone who has met me would know. Like most writers in the world the simple act of picking up a pencil, I could over process until the universe rested on which pencil I chose. So it was... Maybe refreshing? To read a book so far from my own life. When I finished the book, I had to take a few days to process, and then I had to reread it. I have been in a constant state of re-reading it since then. I would suggest it to everyone. Read it. It will change your life. The other thing is this quote by him

Ha. I love this. For obvious reasons. I am striving every day to be my own act of rebellion, and I think maybe, just maybe it's working!

What do you think?  Am I just crazy??

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