Monday, July 2, 2012

The Conundrum...

"Earth Friendly Natural Personal Care Products" 

I was a clarinet player for eight years.  I love the clarinet, a lot. There is nothing better than the moment when a concert starts. When the entire band is tuned, and there is that moment of silence before the conductor begins. However, It has created a problem.  
My Strange Addiction.
I love Chapstick.
I LOVE  Chapstick.
One more time:

Now, I always make fun of those people on the show My Strange Addiction. How could you actually want to eat toilet paper, dryer sheets, couch stuffing, or my personal  favorite your husbands ashes?  But, then the other day I realized I am just as bad.
Right now I probably have between 10-20 chapsticks floating around my house. I can nearly go anywhere I want, and have a stick. It's in my car, my wallet, my kitchen, my bathrooms, my pockets, in between couch cushions,on purpose, and yes I do sometimes find chapstick in my shoes.  I am the only reason, Burt's Bee's wasn't effected by the Recession of 2008.  And, it is all because of the Clarinet.

 The clarinet, makes you lick your lips. Licking your lips makes you NEED chapstick.... And then you just get used to the perfect feeling of having chapstick all over your lips. The perfect feeling of lips as smooth as a babies bottom You realized you have a chapstick problem... And keeping all chapstick companies afloat with your need. So, then you decide... Hey I am addicted maybe I, should take a day away from it... But then! Then! You have a twelve hour shift at work and you decide. Hey! I can handle twelve hours without my  Burt's Bees Mango Butter chapstick with extra moisturizer! No big deal, I will just put a ton on now, my lips are already moisturizer and super soft. I don't really need it... I am just being dumb. But, about five hours in ... My lips started hurting, and burning, and cracking (at least in my mind they were) Oh! They were still baby soft, but man, I just wanted my chapstick. And I spent the next seven hours wishing I had it. It was honestly the only thing I could think about for any length of time. And I tried. I tried to distract myself, and I COULDN'T... It was there in the back of my mind no matter how many boxes I tried to concentrate on, no matter how much I thought about Doctor Who, or shopping, or books, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! By the end of my shift I couldn't wait to put chapstick on. I ran to the car, and MY MOM HAD TAKEN MY CHAPSTICK OUT! I couldn't processes anything other then the need I felt for chapstick. So I sped to the store, and bought a new pack of two... 

My Addiction is truly a vicious cycle.... 

But I won't, and can't stop it. Because, there is nothing better in life, then buying a new Burt's Bees. And the feeling you get when, you open a new stick... And put it on, because like an apple, the first bit is the best part.

Burt's Bees is my hero. 

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