Friday, July 20, 2012

The Problem with Humanity

In general I will always try to be upbeat here on Day in The Life, but I just have a few grievances I have to air with humanity and then move on, and hopefully it will be mostly upbeat. No promises though, but I don't think I can write anything slightly humorous until I get this all out...

"You Shouldn't _____ (Insert instruction here)":

Next time someone tells me what I should do I am going to freak out. And, I wish I was kidding but I am not. Just because I am only 20 doesn't automatically mean you can boss me around. Just because you are a mom/dad doesn't mean you can boss me around. The only person who should even try to tell me what to do is my mother!(and on occasion my father), and even then I still have the right to say no.  But you are not my mom, dad, or even my conscience, so let me choose for myself.  Don't tell me what to read, don't tell me what to eat, drink, wear, or watch on TV. I don't care if you think my TV shows are sleazy, or scummy, that is your opinion and I didn't ask for it. I had a guy at work tell me that as a good Latter-Day Saint I shouldn't be reading the book I was reading. And I honestly almost punched him in the face. I actually thought about it, and then instead told him how it was referred to me by another member, and that I read whatever I please. Seriously people? Half of the time its people I don't even know that well telling me what to do, and the other half it is people who know me well enought to know I march to my own drum, and no one can stop that. Unless I come to you with a question I need help with. LEAVE ME THE H! ALONE! You lead your life however you please, and I will lead mine how I please!

The Virgin Diaries- AKA What Happens to the Missionaries Nobody Wants to Marry:
So, I watched the Virgin Diaries for the first time this last week. If you have never heard of it, here is a clip from the Ellen DeGeneres  Show that nearly describes my feelings towards it:
I hope you laughed, because I did.  The concept of the show is my first worry. It is so common place now that, we actually have to have a show about the people who ARE virgins? I get it, if you want to be in relationships  where sex is involved, go for it, I really don't care how much sex everyone else is having, because your sex life is between you and your partner. Personally I have chosen to wait for marriage, and it is nice to know that I am not the only one out there, however, my problem with this show stems from the episode I watched. It had this guy in it:

See, as a single woman at BYU this is my single greatest fear in life. And, every ward has them. And, it leads me to wonder. What did his parents do to make him so messed up? How do you avoid this from happening? And why in heavens name would someone make-out with him for three minutes for a damn T-Shirt!?
I just don't get it.

And The Greatest Offender of All:

I hate Facebook, I really really hate Facebook. And I have 5 reasons why.
1. Sixth Grade Relationships
No one cares that you and your boyfriend are so in love, because you are 12. And by this time tomorrow, you won't even be together anymore. But, this has become even bigger then 12 year-olds. I am to the point that I actually delete people because of  how much of their relationship is played out via Status Updates, and Wall Posts. Your relationship should not be right there in my News Feed. Honestly I don't need to know that you just kissed your boyfriend, and you are now cuddling on the couch. Nor do I need to know that some times he is a big baby :/ (Oh, and yes I will be talking about smiley faces in a moment). If your boyfriend is treating you like crap, then you need to talk to him face to face. Don't put it on his wall. If you are to immature to do that, then maybe you shouldn't be in relationships in the first place.
2. :/
 I think I must just be getting old, because whenever I get online I am super confused about all the smileys people use. The only ones I have a handle on are:

Anything outside of those six, and my mind gets confused. What the H does 
And the plethora of other ones mean!? I don't get it!!! And what does it mean when people post them? 

3. Passive Aggressive Posts
Facebook is a passive aggressive's playground. It is the only place that you can say things like:
"Ugh, you make me so angry!"- Shoot, sorry I hate when I make you angry... Only I haven't talked to you in years... So was it me who made you angry? Or someone else?
Song Lyrics that make no sense
"Somebody that I used to know"-- Do you still know them? Did they disappear!? Did you break-up, wait you where in a relationship? Whaaaa?
"I wish you would just accept the way I am! Ugh!"- ... I do? Wait.. are you a murderer? Am I supposed to accept you if you are a murderer, or does that depend on who you kill? 

4. Misspelling words/ Abbreviation
Am I the only one who doesn't understand half of the abbreviations used anymore? I actually have to Urban Dictionary them, because I have no clue what is going on? For example:
IKR! TOTS inapropor. that sh cra rt thr! U hv no ida hw md that mde m! -- What does that even mean? Honestly? Half of my time on Facebook is spent trying to understand what people are ACTUALLY saying! And then there are the misspelled words:
"Stopid peple make me cry. they allways say dum things, and alot of the time it makes no scents. Yu know?"

And then when you add the two together, you get half of my graduating classes statuses 
Y do yu allways say thos things to hrt me! U hve no ida how AWEFUL yu mke me fel abuot my 
And you wonder why every other country makes fun of us?

5. The Classic
The classic to me, is the fishing for the complement. 

 If you hate your picture so much. Don't put it up, but don't fish for compliments.  All of our pictures should look more like this:

Facebook is going to drive me to drinking, and I didn't even mention how much I hate political debates on Facebook, because that in and of itself will someday be its own post. Humanity is going to drive me to drinking!
Tea that is. That is all I have, I promise next time I will be more upbeat! I just had to get this all out ;)

What do you think? Am I being to melodramatic? Or do I have a point in my madness?

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