Monday, July 16, 2012

My Not So Minor Obsessions

I have about 5 things I love more than anything in the world... Well besides friends and family that is.. And I thought I have mentioned them enough I ought to just get them all out at once... And, yes there are more, but for the sake of today, I am only going to mention 5 and maybe, you will get more about each one at another date, for sure you will get more about Doctor Who, we are just going to make that assumption , because that  is the biggest obsession of all.
1. Adele

This lady is AMAZING! Everything she sings turns to pure magic for me. I love the tone of her voice, her everything! Her make-up, her hair, her voice... 21 is the most listened to album on my iTunes. Every single of the the top twenty-five songs on my iTunes is her. I have been listening to her since 2008 when she came out with 19. Actually, I got her single for free on iTunes (Hometown Glory) and fell immediately in love with her. She has the voice of an angel, and like the e-Card says  she knows how to express every feeling one has after a break-up (On a scale of 1 to Adele how bad was your break-up?) No other singer in my mind comes close to how much I love her ( Although Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros, and Jason Mraz are very close).  I spent all of last summer memorizing all of 21, and I was actually extremely sad when she started playing on the radio, because that meant that
A. She was becoming mainstream
B. That I was going to tire of her song (Rumour Has It)
C. I couldn't just enjoy her unadulterated , people now were going to have actual opinions about her...

2. Spider-Man

I love Spider-Man.. He is the best superhero in the world, in my own personal opinion. And I don't really care if no one agrees with me, because I am right. I love the comics, I love the animated series (yes I have seen every episode), and I love love love the movies.  I spent all of high school thinking I was Spider-Man. Don't believe me?  Ask Justin, or even Matthew. I love Spider-Man... In fact, I am going to name my son Peter after Peter Parker, I was going to name him just straight up Spider-Man, but I thought that  CPS would have a problem with it... I love Spider-Man so much that I think I am him.. As demonstrated in this video!
(Excuse my hair, its my day off!)

In addition, have you seen the new movie!? HOLY TOLEDO!!!! HOLY SPIDER-MAN! Andrew Garfield is amazing! Not only is he a good actor, he is amazingly attractive, and he is part English! How can you go wrong?  Oh! And the movie was awesome! That is my favorite story, Lizard is the best!!! I still watch the animated episode of that comic, because it is LITERALLY THE BEST EPISODE! So of course it was an AWESOME AWESOME, movie!
3.  Tea
Yes that is a Doctor Who quote on this mug, Yes I am going to make this...
 I love tea more than any other drink.. Ever.. And this includes, but is not limited to Diet Pepsi, Lemonade, Water, Vitamin Water, and Milk (which is a given since I hate milk). I have to have a cup every single day. Twining's is the best,  I drink it every day, but I really will go for any tea. It makes my soul happy. I personally think that tea makes every situation better. . I may be secretly English. Because, everybody knows that the English deal with everything with a cup of tea. When in doubt right, put the kettle on, right? I honestly believe that the best thing in the world is curling up in my wrap pants, watching Doctor Who, and drinking a big cup of Twining's (weak with two Splenda for a big cup, one for a small cup)

4. Harry Potter
 I am a part of the Harry Potter Generation. I read the first book in 2000 and was obsessed! Granted,who couldn't be they are brilliantly written, they suck you in, and the are just pure magic! I've wanted to be Hermione Granger my entire life. I figure I already have the poofy hair! All I need is magic! (which I also have). I don't think I have ever gone a day without thinking about, or referring to these magnificent books ever.  In my family when we get mad at each other, sometimes we just have to yell Avada Kadavra! at each other. Sometimes when I turn on the light I mutter lumos (and of course nox when I turn it off). I spent all last summer babysitting (hanging out really, those kids are the best), and I spent most of my time under the cruciatus curse, because Lego-Man wanted me to do whatever he said ( I spun in a lot of circles) And, I am not ashamed to admit that when I turned 11 and I didn't get my letter to Hogwarts I cried... For days. How could I not? When I got the seventh book, I cried when Fred died, when we found out Snape was not evil, and of course the hardest when Dobby died. I read and waited for new books for seven years of my life. It was my life. Thank heaven for J.K. Rowling's genius! Without it, I could never yell Alohomora when I got frustrated at a door that didn't open.
Look at Little Daniel Radcliffe! He is so adorable!!

5. Doctor Who
 David Tennant, forever my Doctor

Matt Smith, a brilliant Doctor, in a bow tie and a fez. Because fez's and bow ties are cool! Love of my life...

I love Doctor Who...
Cough, Cough... Sorry I just had to get that out there. Doctor Who is my very favorite thing of all. I love the show, in all its cheesy alienness. If you haven't ever noticed I elude to it in nearly every single blog post, and will continue to do so. And, not going to lie, eventually it may have to get it's very own blog post like Starbucks. It is magical. I love trying to explain it to people though, because I always get the best looks. How do you explain, that the best show in the world is about a Time Traveling Alien who protects the world from other Evil Aliens?  People laugh at you when you say that. So, if you have never watched it I probably think I am crazy but I am not!  True, sometimes it is silly, and a little lame, but then there are moments that take your breath away, you truly become attached to the characters and it hurts when they leave the show. Rachel and I cried for days after the 10 regenerated into 11, and when Rose leaves, and when Donna leaves, and I can promise you that I will cry in this next season when the Ponds leave.  I feel like Doctor Who fits into every day life. For example, I gave a talk about  four weeks ago in church, and I integrated 3 Doctor Who references, I drive listening to the soundtracks because I feel so much more epic, like I am actually going to do something way awesome, and the world better watch out, my exacto-knife is nick-named the Sonic Screwdriver, and Rachel and I are turning our front door into the TARDIS this year... And we have a cut-out of David Tennant that sits in our room, to protect us in the night...Oh! And I recently decided my daughters name is going to be Amelia River (when I have children that is)  Most of my clothing now a days consists of something that reminds me of the Doctor (3 T-shirts, and 2 pair of  High Top Converse).  Also, it helps that I want to marry Matt Smith (Although Tennant still claims my soul, and will forever be my Doctor, he is married.. And 41, and my mom said that was just a little bit too creepy). Matt Smith is beautiful and also a hipster... Which is just cool. Hipsters are cool. Fez's are cool. The Doctor is cool, and someday he is going to come and get me and we will fly away in the TARDIS together. That is why I work out now a days, because when the Doctor comes there is going to be a lot of running, and I don't want to Weeping Angels, Daleks, Slitheen (from Rexacoricofalapitorian),  Cyber-men or the Silence to kill me. 

That is all I have for today. There are so many more things that I love, Wrap Pants, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Community, Vincent Van Gogh, the list goes on and on, and I will talk about them on a later date, but I feel like I have gone on forever about just these five, and honestly I could go on for days. I love things, I love surrounding myself with things that make me happy, and who doesn't? The best way to keep our lives in balance is to be surrounded by beautiful things.

*If you decide to watch it, suffer through the first season, because 9 isn't my favorite and the monsters suck, but it is worth it to see 10 (Tennant) act. He is amazingly talented. 

What are some of your favorite things!?


  1. THE DOCTOR. Adele. Books--almost all of them.;) Running. (I know, that sounds crazy given my previous statements concerning it--) Music. Lego-Man. Straight Face. Mountain Man. You. :)

    ...and David Tennant, because he's just the right age for me!!! :D xoxo!

    1. Sigh.. I am jealous that you are Tennants age! And you know, running isn't all THAT bad. :) Music is awesome, but today it was all about Adele! And I do like Straigh Face, and Mountain man! You however are a very favorite :)
